Building a MyZ80 Z-System with NZ-COM, ZS-DOS and Backgrounder ii

All necessary files have been imported into ZSYSINST.DSK. Simply mount it, following the instructions below. For information purposes, the contents of the disk image are as follows:

USER 0: contents of COMMON.ZIP
USER 1: contents of NZCOM.ZIP.
USER 2: contents of Z3PLUS.ZIP
USER 4: MLOAD25.COM,  LOADBG.COM from bgii-130.tar.gz, and the contents of BGII-134.ZIP.
USER 5: The contents of myz80ck2.lbr.

Note that stuff tends to get moved around, so the above links may no longer be valid.

I. Install MYZ80

II. Install NZCOM

III. Install ZS-DOS

IV. Install clock driver and datestamping

V. Install Backgrounder ii

NOTE: My copy of BGii v1.34 was missing LOADBG.COM. I have substituted LOADBG.COM from v1.30, which Steven Hirsch was gracious enough to send me, and so far it seems to work with v1.34, though it hasn't been extensively tested. If there's any instability, go with BGii 1.30.